Monday, February 28, 2011

A Healthy Perspective!

Hear tips from Washington State University's Chelsey Woods.  Woods is a dietician with WSU's Dining Services.  She helps students reach their nutrition goals and in this particular audio clip she gives us some insight into what students can do to overcome the obstacles they face.  Kaitlyn Yamane is a sophomore student who gives us a student's perspective on the struggles students living on campus face. Click on the audio below to hear what they had to say!


Personal Trainer Tips

Check out our interview with Chelsea, a Student Recreational Center Trainer, on her tips for staying motivated and efficently utilizing your time at the gym.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Stay fit during this Winter Wonderland

Here is a great article we found that gives some very helpful hints for staying fit during the winter months. 
Check it out! 
It is easy to see why bears hibernate in the winter- between the cold weather, gray skies, and holiday food, it is extremely hard to find motivation to do anything, much less exercise. Packing on the pounds in winter has become somewhat of an American tradition, and I say it's time to start a new, healthier tradition for the new decade! By making a few simple changes to your daily routine, you can beat the winter bulge and prime your body for spring time!

  1. Wake up and be active earlier. I know, it's cold outside and warm under the blankets, but get out of bed! Not only do studies show that people who exercise in the morning are more likely to stick to their routine, but it also helps you catch a bit more daylight. When the days are shorter and it's already dark by the time you get home from work at 5pm, you may find that the extra hour of daylight in the morning is just what you need to make you feel as though the whole day was not a loss. For me, the dark is my trigger that the day is over and I can just veg out on the couch, which is why the extra time in the morning was so important.
  2. Clean your house. Refer to step 1- don't feel obligated to use the extra time in the morning to just exercise- do the dishes, sweep the floor, vacuum- because for some reason, 20 minutes of house cleaning has been shown to heighten your mood! Of course you can do this at other times of the day as well, but if you work during the day, think about how nice it would be to come home to a clean house instead of worrying about everything that needs to be done when you get home. In addition to improving your mood, cleaning does indeed burn calories. 10 minutes of vacuuming for a 150 lb woman burns about 15 calories, which may not sound like a lot, but quickly adds up. Plus, how satisfying is it when you finally sit down to relax and everything is in order?
  3. Fruit is not just for summer! Although a vibrant colored fruit salad may be reminiscent of summer, there are many fruits that peak in winter and are underutilized! Bananas (Potassium and Vitamin C), Clementines (Vitamin C), and Pomegranates (Antioxidants & Vitamin A) are just some of the fruits that are best in winter. Vitamin C can be obtained by sunlight, but when the sun disappears during the winter months, the next best thing is to get it through your food. Plus, they taste fantastic and are cheaper in season!
  4. Don't forget about the dog! Every day when I get up, my dog is super excited to get outside. He does not discriminate against the weather. He does not get less excited because the sun is not out. Use your dog's energy for some motivation: go outside and breath deep (by the way, doesn't the winter air feel fresh and crisp). Get some oxygen going through your body to wake you up, and go play fetch- with your dog of course! Don't have a dog? You probably have friends or familywith less motivation than you who have a dog you could borrow. Better yet, get your friend or family member to go outside with you. Although complaining may commence when you drag your friends out in the cold, I guarantee they will thank you come spring!
  5. Winter clothes are a drag! Doubled up sweatshirts are not flattering to the body. They also cover up a lot and make it much easier to ignore any weight gain or flabbiness that may be ensuing. Do your best to find more form fitting winter clothes instead of extra large sweatshirts. This way, when you look in the mirror and notice any difference in your body, you can catch and correct it right away rather than putting on your first short sleeve shirt in spring and realizing that its now too tight.

Read more: How to Stay in Shape During the Winter |

Monday, February 14, 2011

Three easy tips to enjoy a guilt free Valentine's Day

Trying to celebrate Valentine’s Day without feeling guilty about indulging?

Here are some easy and helpful tips to enjoy a guilt free holiday

Jump start your day with a morning workout.

The energy you create by exercising in the morning will sustain you throughout the day.
Morning exercise is a day of eating better. It is easier to avoid temptation and talk yourself out of eating unhealthily. Plus, it boosts your metabolism making it easier for you to digest the food you do eat.
Exercise makes you feel good mentally as well as physically - and that feeling can last all day.

Opt for dark chocolate 

Dark chocolate has a number of different health benefits. It contains a large number of antioxidants, helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and balances certain hormones in the body. 

Going on a dinner date?

Split your three main courses with your date. Choose an appetizer, main course entree, and dessert that you both can share and cut the number of calories you would normally consume

Mount Spokane Ski/Snowboard & Service

‎02/26/2011 Eco Adventure: Mount Spokane Ski/Snowboard & Service
Activity Runs: 2/26/2011 - 2/26/2011
Register Between: 11/5/2010 - 2/20/2011
Schedule: Sat, 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Location: Hollingbery Fieldhouse Annex - Room 101 (ORC)

Monday, February 7, 2011

5 Minute Work Out

Feel like you never have time to work out? here are some quick and easy 5 min work outs!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Coug Health

From the time students enter Washington State University until they are preparing to leave, a main concern is staying healthy.  Who hasn’t heard about the famous freshman 15, or the break downs students face under the pressures of college life? Cougs may come to WSU thinking they will find a healthy life balance during freshman year that will carry them through until they are seniors. However, as many upperclassmen know, myself included, that may or may not happen. There are many obstacles that keep students from maintaining a good standard of health.
How many times have you heard friends, or even yourself, say that this is the semester they are finally going to find a balance and figure out how to juggle exercise, friends, food, relaxation, etc?  Perhaps some of their goals include getting outside and exercising, not overstressing an exam, or avoiding junk food when pressed for time.  There are hundreds of variables that go into staying healthy.  It is easy to overdo one area and completely forget another.
According to “Medical News Today,” a health and medical news website, the most famous definition of health was established in 1948 by the World Health Organization. 
"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."
This definition reminds us it is not just eating healthy foods and exercising that lead to a healthy lifestyle.  However, I believe that keeping yourself physically healthy can only lead to improved mental and social well-being. 
Throughout this semester the contributors to “Cougar Food & Fitness” will transform this blog into a resource that students can use to achieve a healthy college lifestyle.  Make sure to stop by regularly for tips, advice and tools specific to WSU.  You can use this blog to help improve your physical health and that will improve your entire health. 
More information on the Medical News Today article can be found at:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Feb. 9th : Do's and Don't's of Snacking Presentation

The "Do's and Don't's of Snacking" presentation will be held in the CUB Room 402. The hour presentation starts at 12:00 PM on Wednesday, February 9th.
Come learn helpful information about how to control and make wise decisions about snacking!